Our School
Our School is a great school built on our core values of 'CARE'. Our values are important to us - they empower us to drive our vision and our beliefs that every child, parent, and member of staff in our school community can be the best they can be.
St Stephen's is situated in the proud and ever-changing village of Fradley. It is built on the site of the original village school; a quaint Victorian school house that stood in 1875 and originally opened by the Reverend W Inge with seven children attending. Over the years it has grown and our recent extension to the building, and forthcoming grounds, has enabled us to work towards becoming a two-form entry school to cater for the increasing numbers of new families and children moving to the village. We see ourselves as a central hub of village life, drawing together families within the community.
We have great belief in our children. Our goal is to ensure access and ambition for all. It is a school where we value every child, where we do real work for a real purpose whenever we can with the aim that our children can see the powerful learners they can be and the impact that they can have in making their world a better place on a local, national and global scale.
At St Stephen's your children will all find their passions, motivations and love of learning when they walk through our gates. They will navigate friendships, learning challenges and how to have a voice and express their opinions. They will learn about high expectations of behaviour and how they are accountable for their actions. All of these interactions are carefully supported and guided by members of staff.
When visitors walk into our school, there is always a comment about the feel or as we call it 'quiddity'. The definition of this word talks about the essence or distinctive feature of something. Our school has great quiddity. We know this because our children are proud of it and live the values we teach and encourage. They are hard-working, open-minded, collaborative and polite. When you walk around the school there is a 'buzz'. The buzz of children and staff working together - learning together.
They will do this because we have a leadership team who drive standards in all areas, and staff who are committed, inspiring and believe that all children can achieve. They craft lessons that are engaging, motivating, and skilfully weave together the knowledge, skills and dispositions preparing all our children for the next steps in their learning journeys.
Our commitment is to develop and sustain great educational provision that serves our children, families and community, and leaves a lasting legacy. When your children look back at their time at St Stephen's, they will do so with pride and a sense of achievement and fond memories.
Welcome to our school.
What’s Coming Up?
Key events this term can be found in the calendar above.
Friday 11 April - End of Spring term
Monday 14 April - Friday 25 April - Easter holiday
Monday 28 April - Back to school

What's New?

The Book Nook - Reading Ambassador Podcast
Our Reading Ambassadors have produced their very own 'Book Nook' podcast! This gives them an opportunity to share what's going on in reading here at St Stephen's. During different episodes they: interview special guests, talk about recent events, host quizzes and even read a book aloud for other children to enjoy. Tune in to the latest episode below and let us know what you think!