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Welcome to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Information page

Here, at St. Stephens Primary School, we aim to provide an inclusive educational environment for every pupil, providing them with the opportunity to fulfill their learning potential.

We therefore ensure that: - 

·         All teachers have high expectations of pupils with SEND, including a commitment to ensuring they can achieve their full educational potential.   

·         All teachers deliver high quality provision to meet the needs of pupils with SEND.

·         We identify and assess pupils with SEND as early as possible and provide a flexible and staged structure of provision to meet all identified.

·         We collaborate with education, health and social care services to provide resources to meet the needs of all children.

·         Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist.

·         All staff develop their awareness of special educational needs and focus on inclusive practice to remove barriers to learning with access to a broad, balanced yet relevant mainstream curriculum which is differentiated to ensure progress.

·         All pupils with SEND to be actively involved in the decision making process and be allowed to express their views, wishes and feelings. These views will be taken into account when planning their curriculum giving them greater ownership of their learning.

·         We involve parents/carers as partners in the education of their children and provided them with the information and support necessary to enable participation in decision.

·         Pupils with SEND engage in all activities alongside pupils who do not have SEND.

All pupils are valued equally as individuals, taking into consideration other factors which contribute to learning, such as behaviour, wellbeing and mental health. We aim to identify the barriers to learning and will support all children to access their right to learn.

We strive to provide a secure, caring and happy environment in which all of our pupils can experience success and enjoyment of learning through our exciting, broad and balanced curriculum. We believe in equal opportunities for all, where everyone is treated with respect, dignity and is valued equally. We value the views of our pupils and their families and provide opportunities for them to influence change and to be fully involved in the decision-making process.

Our SENCo, Mrs. Clare Emery-Talbot , works together with our class teachers and teaching assistants to provide effective support across the school.

Please take some time to read through the information about how we provide for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) in the School’s SEND Policy and SEND Information Report. You can also read about Staffordshire's 'Local Offer' which details the range of services available for children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.

Staffordshire’s Local Offer: https://www.staffordshireconnects.info/kb5/staffordshire/directory/homepage

If you have any further queries, you can contact the SENDCo through the school office on 01283 790268 or via email on c.emery-talbot@st-stephens.staffs.sch.uk

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